Live Streaming
Live Streaming from Tallow Carmel
About Us
We are members of the Carmelite family, followers of St. Teresa of Avila.
St Teresa, a woman for God, a woman of prayer, a woman for others
Following the inspiration of St Teresa, we live and pray in community in a life of friendship with Christ and one another.
We look to St Teresa who remains a prophetic figure for our world today, as a forerunner of the feminine voice of the church. Our monastery here in Tallow was founded in 1836 and is our home. Over the years we have been blessed with loyal and supportive friends who assist us in so many ways. A Carmelite is one with all people, everywhere, those who believe, those who search and those who do not know that they are searching, and she identifies with all that is great and worthy of humanity’s endeavour. We are nuns without borders. Yet we live a way of life that is in many ways counter-cultural. In our contemplative prayer, we carry the needs and hopes of every person before God, lifting the face of humanity to the Father and opening our heart to be a channel of his outpouring love for all.
Our Carmelite Vocation